General Election 2024: Meet the Candidates!

With the 2024 General Election approaching fast, why not take the opportunity to put your questions to each of the Candidates running to represent Romsey and Southampton North at Westminster? Find out what they stand for and make your vote an informed one!

You're invited to ask your own question or simply sit back and listen to others.

Event details

  • Time: 5.30 for 6pm on Sunday 16 June 2024. Finishes approx 7.15-7.30pm
  • Venue: Burgess Road Library, Burgess Road, Southampton SO16 3HF.
  • Refreshments: Arrive at 5.30pm for (free) coffee and tea. 
  • In attendance: All six parliamentary candidates for the Romsey and Southampton North constituency are expected: they represent Conservative, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Reform parties - as well as an Independent.
  • You can submit your question right now via the form below. If it is included, you will be invited to read the question on the night. There may additional opportunity to submit questions on the night, but you stand the best chance if you submit ahead of time, between now and 2pm Sunday.  

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