CCS Ukraine Appeal

The CCS Ukraine Appeal seeks to get practical assistance to those forced to flee their homes as a result of the recent invasion. 

Over a million have already fled, with several million more expected to leave in the days ahead.

Donations will be split evenly between: Hope Now (the organisation featured at Prayer Central which passes funds to organisations working with the poor and vulnerable in and around Ukraine); the European Missionary Fellowship (which passes funds to evangelical churches in Ukraine and neighbouring countries providing hospitality to refugees); or our own mission partners Attila and Adel (based in northern Romania and seeking to serve Ukrainian refugees who pass through their area).

Every pound donated (plus any associated gift aid) will be passed on in full to maximise support to those who need it.

You can donate by giving to the usual CCS bank account:

Account Name: CCS

Account Number: 00020184

Sort Code 40-52-40

Please end your donation in 92p to enable the finance team to identify it. For instance, £50.92.